Here is a little summary with photos from our recent exhibition ‘As in a Mirror’, shown at The Art House in March 2018.
We spent a sunny day hanging the exhibition at The Art House. Along with figuring out the space and the hanging system, this was also our first look at all the artworks coming together. Despite the delay due to the previous exhibition still being up when we arrived, it all went smoothly and we even found time for a coffee.
The tall ceilings ensured that, by the end of the day, we were all pretty adept at climbing up and down the big ladder to slide wires along the top railing.

A nice crowd turned up for our ‘early evening’ opening on the Saturday (thank you all!). There was mingling, nibbles, wine, conversations and red dots, along with positive and encouraging comments.

Radio Interview on Coast Arts Radio Show
In the radio interview below, you can listen to Helen, Diane and Annette talking about ‘As in a Mirror’, working as artists, exhibitions and the Art in Sync group. Thank you to Meredith Gilmore, the presenter at Coast Arts, who did a wonderful job and made us feel ever so welcome!